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Our Vision is to create prosperity for all by ensuring health for patients by working closely with Doctors, Stockists & Retailers. Our Aim is to create prosperity for our team and stake holders too by ensuring our business is profitable.



  • Respiratory diseases combined are the top cause of mortality & morbidity in India.
  • Even after 76 years of independence inhalation therapy market is dominated by just three companies, mainly by just two.
  • Because of environmental factors, Respiratory diseases are growing, requiring the recommended inhalation therapy to help patients live a normal or better life.
  • We in Bayu Healthcare have some of the best brains with rich experience in establishing & growing the inhalation market.
  • Today in most of our operational markets we are number 2 or number 3 in new prescriptions of inhaled medication.
  • We have just the must-have compositions in inhaled therapy. We want to increase our range to compete & beat the leaders in new prescriptions.


  • Data reveals that nearly 76% of the Indian population suffers from vitamin D deficiency.
  • Data reveals 3 out of 4 Indians suffer from vitamin D deficiency; young adults below 25 are most affected.
  • 58.6% of children, 53.2% of non-pregnant women, and 50.4% of pregnant women are being affected by anaemia.
  • India’s child wasting rate is 18.7% as per the latest UN inter-agency estimates.
  • The overall prevalence of wasting in 2022 was 18.7% in India, with a share of 49% in the global burden of this malnutrition indicator.
  • How can India become a developed nation and strong country with such data on vitamins, minerals & protein deficiency?
  • We have made it a mission to serve Indians by providing them with quality & affordable nutrition supplements.

Our Range

  • In India, there are estimated 77 million people above the age of 18 years are suffering from diabetes (type 2) and nearly 25 million are prediabetics (at a higher risk of developing diabetes shortly).
  • Overall prevalence of hypertension in India was 29.8%
  • WHO estimates that the burden of mental health problems in India is 2443 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per 100 00 population.

Respiratory Orals & injectibles

  • Respiratory diseases combined are the top cause of mortality & morbidity in India.